Deliveries are a bit of a problem, as there is only uphill pedestrian access into the garden.
The 'Strulch' arrived (all 50 bags of it...) This is composted straw which will be used as a mulch on top of the soil, to conserve moisture and keep the temperature stable.
We captured Razvan as he passed by, and he valiently barrowed most of it for us.
Pat charmed the delivery driver.
In the evening the top soil arrived (all 20 cubic metres of it...) in a truck so enormous it had to be parked in the next street - and doesn't fit on one photo.
Thankfully Rick the kind and patient driver was prepared to spend an hour unloading it and bringing it to the estate.
Of course the next stage is to get it uphill into the garden...
We put out a plea for help